Wrinkles Causes
Normal Process of Aging: Collagen production decreases with age. This leads to more sagginess and loss of skin elasticity.
Sun Exposure: According to a study, nearly 80% of wrinkles appear due to harmful radiations of the sun. Excessive sun exposure may also lead to impaired skin elasticity, pigmentation and yellowing of the skin. The harmful UV radiation from the sun breaks down the connective tissues, due to which your skin loses its elasticity and firmness.
Smoking: Smoking constricts the blood vessels supplying blood to different layers of the skin. This decreases the blood flow to the skin cells, which in turn, impairs your skin.
Heredity: Wrinkles can also occur because of some inherited traits.
Facial Expressions: Being expressive is appreciated, but being over-expressive can lead to the formation of wrinkles and fine lines. A groove forms under the skin with each facial expression. As the elasticity of the skin decreases, these grooves do not bounce back to their normal position; thereby, forming a permanent fine line.
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