Should I treat candida or bacterial overgrowth first? What are the treatments you recommend?
Hi everyone,
I posted on here a while ago because I have been experiencing awfullll
Body Odor s for about 9 months now. It has bee quite the journey, and I basically now only go out to places if I absolutely have to (work, school, etc.). I would say the smell is sometimes fecal, other times musty, sour, and sometimes even cheesy (that last one is mostly on my scalp). I just did a comprehensive stool test by Doctor's Data, plus parasitology x 3 for good measure. The test results say I do not have any parasites, but I do have:
1. A lack of certain "good" bacteria in my gut (specifically +1 clostridium species, NO enterococcus species, and just +2 lactobacillus sp. Healthy levels of these are indicated by at least a 2+).
2. An moderate overgrowth of candida glabrata (+1 growth found in culture, "moderate" amounts found in all 3 of my stool samples by microscope)
3. An overgrowth of citrobacter freundii complex bacteria (sample was +4, and is considered dysbiotic at a 3+ concentration)
Since I seem to have overgrowth of both yeast and bacteria, I am unsure which to try to treat first. I am trying to cut down on grains, sugar, and dairy currently, in order to reduce candida growth, but beyond that I'm not sure what the correct procedure is for me to treat both of these problems. Which should I treat first? Which type of overgrowth seems more serious to you all? Any advice would be so greatly appreciated-- I want to be able to go out to places and live my normal life again.