Looking for advice!!
Hello everyone.
I have been suffering with an awful form of “acne” if that’s what you want to call it. I get recurring boils and carbuncles on my bum consistently. I will share with you everything I have tried to stop these from recurring. I have a dermatologist appointment in September, until then.. I am willing to try anything!!
I have done round after round of
Antibiotics to no avail.
I have tried salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, baking soda, coconut oil, tea tree oil, almond oil.
I even bought chlorhexidine which is a surgical grade antibacterial wash that surgeons use to wash their hands before surgery. Still I get them.
I have cut everything out of my diet. Gluten, dairy, eggs, fish, nightshades.. nothing helped.
I wear loose fitting clothing, I try not to sit for too long.
I wash my bum with chlorhexidine 2x a day.
The breakouts happen sporadically. I can not put two and two together to know what is causing this!!
Does anyone have any suggestions for me? Anything else I can try? I have two on my bum right now, they are “dormant” but bound to flare up any moment!
I also checked all the below sites, but still confused!!!
Please help 😭