3 Remedies for Heart Health
Try Dr. Ron's heart glandular for heart health, in addition to Strauss Heart Drops and H&B Extract... I think those are the names for the last two. It's definitely called "Strauss"-something, and it's for the heart. H&B Extract is right as well, I think, but in case I got the name wrong, try the web site, "Tools for Freedom" (http://www.toolsforfreedom.com/) for this remedy. You shouldn't have any more heart problems after taking one or more of these products. Might have to do a few rounds for more serious conditions, though it's all individual. Personally, I had mitral valve prolapse, and I have taken all three and ended up in good shape, though I have yet to receive a clean bill of health in terms of this condition. I did have, at least, some improvement that showed up on a heart test at a cardiologist's office. Since, I haven't been able to get a test to see if it has cleared up completely. I just have my suspicions that I am better. Hope this helps some people. There are a lot of supplements one can take for heart health, but I especially recommend those three supplements. Also, meat and raw dairy are great for the heart. Hope this helps some people.