Trump the fulfilment of prophecy? Seriously? Prepare yourselves for another epic fail guys. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, until I'm blue in the face if necessary: the hermeneutic that leads these doom-mongers to make their end time predictions is fundamentally flawed. This has been demonstrated both by their countless failures, which come around with parrot-like regularity, and by serious scholars and theologians who have written the standard works on the subject of Biblical Eschatology and the interpretation of prophecy. And you will not find a single doom-monger among them.
Basically, this is yet another example of sensationalist drivel served up for consumption by the ignorant masses. As I have said elsewhere, the doom-mongers have mistaken the Bible for The Puzzle Enthusiasts Annual. When you start off on the wrong foot, don't be too surprised when you end up in La La Land.