I ate a banana last night and today my fatigue is wasn't even noticeable im confused
Today i felt like no fatigue even every meal today no fatigue after i ate what the heck i felt alive today and been 3 yrs since i felt normal like i could run a marathon
Im starting to think all this adrenal issues is a pottaisum magnesiun calcium imbalance THAT IS ALL ...more likely suspect of potassium deficiency
I do cramp easily its strange sometimes when driving or esp sexual activity all over its not normal and takes forever to go away and i got muscle twitches
Honestly this all started 3 yrs ago i got sick during winter and was put on
Antibiotics and it caused severe diarrhea actually the
Antibiotic gave me diahhrra to the point i would drink a cup of water and what came out my ass was water it wasnt even Brown or poop its like what i drank came out as straight water that is when my adrenal fatigue began
Can chronic diahhrra have caused a mineral imbalance from the beginning
Anytime i take magnesium my muscle twitches become activated within 10 minutes of ingesting any magnesium supplement
Not saying this is a cure all but i think many of us need to consider a mineral deficiency as a root cause from the beginning 100% of Americans are potassium deficient and most magnesium u may find your answer im looking into a pot/mag supplement asap