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Lightly Ozonated Oil Max Dose
Raimonio Views: 295
Published: 7 y

Lightly Ozonated Oil Max Dose

Hi :)

I have several species of worms in my body with other systemic infections. I just bought an ozonator and have been using ozonated water and ozonated oil with promising results, however I was wondering about the max dose on ozonated olive oil?

The oil I use is ozonated for one hour and I have been taking one tablespoon two times a day like Hulda Clark instructed. I can feel my liver getting cleaned from eggs and larvae but I somehow feel the effects could be stronger if I took more.

I'm planning on taking NAC but given that I have heavy metal toxification it causes a massive redistribution for me so I have decided to postpone using it.

So I was just wondering how much ozonated oil can a guy ingest? I know there is no boundary for ozonated water but it doesnt seem to be as effective.


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