Hello, I am just sharing my opinion and what is going on with my candida. First of all, I see no benefit taking ibuprofen or similar drugs. Its just one more thing our livers need to filter. Ive had candida for 9 months. I let it go for awhile and it got out of control. Then I read up on S. Boulardii and I have been taking that for 5 days. Forget all the antifungals and use one yeast to kill another. Unfortunately, I am at a breaking point
The S. Boulardii has cleaned out all threads and anything that was attached to my intestinal walls. I am no longer seeing anything in my stool after 5 days. The problem is in my lower left side. The past 2 days I passed black mucus which was the original area where my body filled a hole which caused leaky gut. So the candida decided to use that hole and go out into my body to avoid the S. Boulardii. It goes back and forth, I can feel it especially in my sleep. So, Ive got a serious problem at the moment.
The only solution I see is using my terminator 2 zapper on the leaky gut area while I take a hot dose of S. Boulardii. Does anyone have any ideas to help me with this monster?