Donating opened supplements for h. Pylori, sibo, dysbiosis
I'm almost out of the hole with my gut issues. After lots of trial and error and then some.. Long story short, gut Dysbiosis after travelers diarrhea. My current treatment is going well, or as well as it could be at this two month point. I linked my super long blog post about it below.
I initially bought many relevant supplements on Amazon, but many I don't use. I got all excited and opened all the bottles and can't return them now. I'm wondering if I could donate what I have. I spent alot of $ on these things and it'd be a shame to throw them away. They may be helpful for someone else. I can mail them, I'd just need the money to cover shipping.
BERBERINE, Divine Bounty, 600mg. Never used any, paid $16.
MASTIC GUM, nutricology, 1g, probably ate maybe four of these, paid $27.
ZANTAC 150, 21 tabs in a sealed blister pack. Although, I don't recommend taking this. It'll throw off the gut pH.