21 plus day water only fast
Hello my name is Zach im 28 years old and im 235 lbs.
and im starting my 21+ Day Water Only Fast. I have experience with shorter 3-4 day fasts in the past but im ready for the long haul now.
Tomorrow doesnt exist and is just another excuse to put things off, the time is now and only now.
Goals/Reasons for fasting:
To detoxify body, increased energy, mental clarity, better skin overall, weight loss, better eating habits, improved penile function, enjoy life better, competitive running.
Duration of the fast:
21 days minimum(if everything goes well), but up to 30 days.
Conditions of the fast:
I will stay true to my fast no matter how difficult the fast becomes. I will not break the fast due to cravings, detox symptoms, self mind games, pressure from others and I will not make any excuses, however, if I notice that my health is in danger or am having issues outside of normal detox symptoms I will not hesitate to break my fast earlier to be safe. Im going to give my fast 110% and stay true to these conditions.
Water Fast will help me get myself on track and holds the key to unlock the greater life that I desperately seek.
I will post my daily experiences here on the forum and hope to receive some support from the great people on this forum.