Re: do i smell? PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!
Hi, I have same problem. I was diagnosed with bacteria overgrowth in the gut/intestines. Or SIBO. You have to tell your doctor that you suspect bacteria overgrowth. Also doctor will order for you to take a G I test. But, you have to be firm about it, tell your doctor you have the symptoms of bacteria overgrowth. Bloating, constipation, nausea, or whatever your situation may your research on the Google on the bacterial overgrowth or SIBO . After your test done and if the doctor diagnosed you with bacteria overgrowth, he will give you antibiotics. VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU PLEASE TAKE PROBIOTIC WITH THE ANTIBIOTICS TO HELP FIGHT THAT BAD BACTERIA. Or ask the doctor to give you a potent probiotic to 450 billion with 16 or more strands. When you Take antibiotics it kills the good as well as the bad bacteria. You dont want the antibiotics to kill the good bacteria, but it happens. AFTER THE TEST, Take a colon cleanse for 1-2 days, then take castor oil for 2 days once or twice a day. Then do a colonic therapy cleanse. After your cleanse, your odor will get horribly worse, then it will diminish a bit. Take wormwood and black walnut liquid form. Taken neem and olive leaf capsules. But try not to eat fast food, junk goods, sweets during the whole process for 6 weeks. For the meantime,take b12, 1000mg, magnesium 1000mg, since up to 400mg a day. Take some iron, vitamin D3 5000mg, Biotin 5000mg, vitamin C, niacin reg.1000mg,.charcoal tablets as directed. Then take 500mg of niacin-flush. Don't be alarm, your body will turn hot. You can feel the flushing occurring in your body. If too strong just take 250mg. I hope you success in this. 80% of my body odor dissappeared. I'm still battling odor like feces 20% i have mastered. But, people don't complain much. I'm getting better now. There is more herbs to take after all i have given you. Just let me know how it went. Best wishes to you.