Re: Water enema!
New fast. Same Problem. Should I stop or continue?
Thank you so much for your previous advice. I actually started a new fast a little over a week ago. I've hit the 10 day mark! :) However, on the 8th day AGAIN I seriously am breaking out in that intense nasty rash AGAIN. It's very unsightly. Not to mention,
Body Odor , which I think is strongest around the rash on my neck and chest, which is very hard to cover up (the rash). I am doing enemas. I did one on day 4, 6, 7, 9 and to be honest, the rash is just progressing like wildfire. I am so scared, because I don't want it to reach my face. The last time I had it, it nearly took me 2 months to see it start to clear up (only a little). I am so worried that it will be permanent. I'm young and before the fast, I felt confident in my skin (minus a few stretch marks here and there) and now I feel hideous. I thought fasting was supposed to heal scars so I gave it a second go and now I feel stupid.
Question: should I stop this fast or should I continue?
My goal was to go at least 21 days and I feel I'm capable. Mentally, I'm not tired and my dizziness symptom is all but gone, but if I am going to have these scars and they won't get better during the duration of my fast. I don't want to risk it.
Also, one more question, so I'm getting a pain in the lower left side of my stomach. It's not excruciating, but its very uncomfortable. Is this normal?
Sorry for the length of the message.