Re: Sciatic Nerve Pain ME TOO!
YES I know! This is the FIRST Master cleanse I have done but, I have done 4 liverflushes and have fasted several times in the past upto 21 days!... I have experienced body aches and major leg/back cramping with past flushes and fasts, from what I have read it is due to toxins being stirred up faster then they are being eliminated??? The pain/aching has always stopped for me in the past, BUT I just finished my 4th
Liver Flush last week in prep for my FIRST
Master-Cleanse (now on day 2) and I started having the siatic pain with the last flush on day 6 and it died down SOME (I thought i had pinched a nerve or pulled a muscle as the last response told you... I even went to my chiropractor for relief)BUT, DAY 1 of my
Master-Cleanse it came back and now it is REALLY BAD! i too have not slept, then was in bed ALL day trying to sleep cause I could not stand to be awake, UGH! heat/ice switching on my right hip helps but it is bad, not sure what to do? let me know if you find out! I will keep in touch! This is not easy.........