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Re: Dehydration
violetgrace Views: 1,161
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 239,809

Re: Dehydration

well i think it does...i think anything that makes you pass waste faster than you normally would can be dehydrating. (water the exception)
i would just say that you need to drink more water. you should be on this cleanse anyway. and with this summer heat that can dehydrate you too. air conditioning can as well.
hopefully this master cleanse will help with your being prone to the UTIs.

also maybe while fasting take two showers a day to keep bacteria off you stuff.
wash you hands before and after you go
and if you can wash you entire area after to pass a bm. (liquid or solid)
that fecal bacteria is usually what causes UTIs.
and if you go and then you are sweating and all that is mixing in your area...well you know.
maybe take flushable baby wipes with you for if you go when you are out.


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