Hmmm... should I have pooped by now?
Recently got turned on to Arnold Ehret's material and decided to try my first water fast. 42 year old guy who is less active than he used to be and goes through short periods of vegetarianism but usually eats a mixed diet with meat (all food is organic, free-range, grass-fed, etc.). I got exposed to
colonics and cleansing in my teens and have done several liver and
Bowel Cleanses over the years. Ehret makes a point in his book that breaking a fast can be dangerous thing for those on mixed diets and meat eaters (yeah, that would be me). I decided to make the first fast short (5 days) and had a week lead in time of 2 days with fruits and vegetables and then another 3 days with just apple and tart cherry juice. While on the fast, I had no desire for a bowel movement so I started taking daily enemas - they totally helped. I would take them toward the end of the day and I would feel short of breath and light headed before I took the enema. The enema usually took a lot out of me (literally), but the light headedness and shortness of breath would go away.
So my question has to do with bowel movements after breaking the fast. I started with a bunch of abiu (similar to a persimmon - I live in a tropical climate so they were fresh) and a few dates. I waited for a couple hours hoping to stimulate a bowel movement, but nothing. I then did take out at the local Thai place and ordered some vegan soup and papaya salad (very spicy). Went to bed hoping that I might find some inspiration in the morning - no luck. It is now about 24 hours after I first broke the fast with no bowel movement. Should I be concerned? Should I be doing another enema or checking out some
Epsom Salts as a laxative? Just thought I would post this in the hopes that someone else here had a similar experience and has some useful advice.
Right now I feel OK, but my back is a little sore which is odd since everything was feeling great during the fast.
Thank you