I cannot believe I am on a forum asking about this but I currently do not have health insurance and I am extremely concerned that I might be pregnant with Mirena in place. I got the IUD in 7/2016. I have had a normal cycle every month up until 8/2017. I have gone a full four months without a cycle. I have only experienced bleeding one time since August and it is now December. The bleeding only occurred two times post intercourse with my S/O. The bleeding began about 1 hour later and only lasted for a few minutes however it was pretty heavy. This bleeding occurred in November. I have been in a monogamous relationship for 2 years so STI is not a concern. Since that incident, I have been extremely exhausted, depressed, gaining weight, breaking out in blemishes on my face, neck, chest and shoulders, I have been woken up due to being nauseated, I have been having insanely vivid dreams and my breast have been so sore and swollen that I cannot sleep well or even walk without wearing the maximum support for a bra without being in pain. I have taken 3 HPT and all of them have been negative. Recently just had a bought of crying for absolutely no reason and all I seem to have energy for is sleeping. This is super unlike me. I typically sleep about 6 hours a night and I am always very active as I am a marathoner and a bikini competitor.