Re: get your life!!!
I'm with you it is so hard at times, but it's worth a try.
It's been almost a month since I have ate fast foods.
Fast foods just don't agree with me. So I just had to
Give it up. I feel like I have control now. I can drive
By my favorite restaurant or see a commercial and not
Crave fast foods. Even when I wasn't eating fast
Foods and eating very light, I still had an odor. When
I started eating parsley, cilantro, kale, and other veggies
That's what started to push the garbage out of my gut and
Pores. The first night I did the smoothie I had the worst stomach
Cramps. Then I was able to have a complete bowel movement.
I felt so much better. The benefits have been great in changing my
Diet, and it feels good to have control over my eating habits. I had
No clue on how to eat healthy and why. I used to eat out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner which I enjoyed. I spent so much
Money on supplements thinking that if I take a supplement. Then, the odor will go away. The only thing that made my odor go away
Was to nourish my body with fruits, veggies, and healthy meats.