Re: Why My candida get mad and worst after ACV ?
Stomach acid is the greatest alkalinizer of all and a large amount of people are hypochlorhydric.
Candida is often linked with hypochlorhydria because it shares the same biofilm as urease bacteria and that is the source of the infection. The problem is most people with candida fight the wrong thing and are so focused on yeast when it is bacteria which is the source of their problem.
One recommendation is ceylon cinnamon essential oil which might treat all of it. But you do need to be extremely careful with this as it can affect tissues/skin and mucus membranes. Adding some to food might be helpful. Do not allow it to touch your mouth and throat. Emulsifying and adding some to capsules would be best of all and swallowing with a large glass of water. Emulsifying means it cannot coalesce which gives it greater chance of affecting the required areas.
There is research showing how effective cinnamon oil can be against many infections, including biofilm protected infections.
I am waiting to receive an ultrasonic cleaner so that I can emulsify cinnamon and other essential oils needed to beat these infections. I do not have candida but I do have some very intense infections in my stomach which make digesting food extremely difficult.