Re: Kunstler- 'crypto currencies are digital tulips'
no cause for agitation... i find the crypto phenomenon interesting as the biggest example of 'problem, reaction, solution' that i think i've seen so far, and this makes it something to watch. the game is pretty easy to follow when you think about it... the 'war on cash' is nothing new, after all, and this is just the latest stage. but, these sorts of large scale social engineering programs only work if people buy into the idea and believe that the Trojan horse is actually the 'solution' to the 'problem' that is seemingly causing the 'reaction' (in this case, central banks enslaving humanity).
related to that... in a world where things such as the stuxnet virus have been proven to exist, does anyone who has looked at the mechanics of stuxnet really believe that anything digital is safe from hacking, control or manipulation... and not by some tech geeks in some basement, but, by the very people who probably created block chain the first place.
crypto is the end of what's left of freedom, packaged up as the opposite.