i can feel you because i have the same problem as you. most of the people specialy your parents they don't tell you the truth because they don't want to you feel bad and as the result of that they lie to you. my familiy also didn't tell me i have bad breath even i told them i have it but they told just it in your head.i know we have time tough time especially when you are class becuase everybody ignore you and they don't like to talk with you.do u know what first time when i start to recognize i have bad breath i was crying all the day and i stop to go to school but i after one year take off i start to think why i have to think about people,and then from that time i start to go to school but i lose my confidence. take this advice may help you "try to be happy even you have a lot of pain inside just push your self and achieve you goals and never give up.