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Re: Figured out for sure I might have h plyori and candida now I get it I think lol
Carty3 Views: 2,255
Published: 8 y
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Re: Figured out for sure I might have h plyori and candida now I get it I think lol

So if one has t. Whipplei spread throughout their whole body systemically where exactly do you put the zapper on every single square inch of the skin or what? And what's the cheapest you can get a device for? T. Whipplei bacteria is somewhat different your body is constantly always craving Sugar and sweets but most of the time you don't have much of an appetite you can only usually stomach very small meals many sufferers become anorexic from it not from any fault of their own but because the bacteria eats away at your insides the same way cancer does. It causes organic decomposition with whatever it comes into contact with. That's why a lot of farmers use dirt for things because it's commonly found in the soil. Can it be used over your organs too because this has spread to my heart, brain, liver, nervous system, skin, and bones.


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