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Re: seborrheic dermatitis food intolerance ???
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Re: seborrheic dermatitis food intolerance ???

Since I was about 13 years old I had both Seborrhea and Psoriasis on my scalp, ears, nose and forehead. But mostly on my scalp and it was embarrassing thick.

I tried herbs, different shampoos, I couldn't seem to find any correlation with diet either.

Fast forward 40 years. The condition was worse.

I had a lousy childhood and even worse marriage to a narcissist. Life really sucked and was frustrating.

I took up EFT (energy freedom technique) though it looks nutty, because I had nothing to lose. I worked extensively on frustration. Yeah my job sucked too. Frustration is about lack of control, it's about what could have been but is not.

This is when I started noticing the scaling reducing to about 1/2. This never happened before. I continued to work on the energy of lack of control and frustration and within months NO MORE redness, no more scaling skin.

It's been 5 years and the conditions never returned. I walked away from my abusive marriage and my nasty, hostile boss. I don't make as much money anymore but life is just so much better.



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