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SRT (an another interpretation)
socrat Views: 1,139
Published: 8 y

SRT (an another interpretation)

SRT (an another interpretation)
1. Light quanta move trough an absolute aether medium: T=0K.
a) this was Maxwell and Lorenz point of view.
b) Minkowski hid this absolute aether medium into mathematical unity
of 4D spacetime (an other name is : negative -2D Pseudo-Euclidian space)

2) the speed of quantum of light in zero vacuum (T=0K) is constant (c=1)

3) all movements (including the constant speed of quantum of light)
are relative motions in the respect to an absolute aether medium T=0K.

4) It is possible if constant speed of quantum of light is minimal and
quantum of light can have speed faster than minimal (c>1).
(tachyon solution).

5) the speed of quantum of light is independent of its source.
It is possible only if the source of its speed is self-quantum action (h or h/2pi).
The result of self-quantum action is described by Lorenz transformations.


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