Re: Nobody?
thanks for the this forum dead now?? No replies hardly
Yes, i've seen that link and many others. It doesn't have much info on each generator, also not much info on comparing all of them.
Theres so much conflicting info and reviews, I don't know what to go with.
For instance silvertron guys say its better to only use/make
Colloidal Silver as opposed to ionic, so they further refine their ionic silver.
And then others say colloidal is a waste of time because particle size is bigger, and its not as effective as ionic.
Then some people say the tyndall should be very light, almost clear (which means particle size is small), but if I look at the very pics of tyndalls for the silvertron, its heavier from what i've seen. So if its sucha good device, why is tyndall heavier? Does it really affect quality of the silver??
How can I really compare the diffeertn generators when everyone has a different opinion of what is best?? Some people say a stirrer is needed, some say not... some say switching polarities is needed, others not. So which is it??
Some say you want silver on both poles pos/negative, others say you only need silver on one lead.
Some say its better to have a sealed flask/jar/beaker when making silver , others say it doesn't matter...and still others even say its better if its NOT sealed so air can get in!??
All these questions make a difference on choosing a generator!
Ugh, any ideas??
Particularly i'm looking at the generators i put in my original post: silvertron elite, bigbear gen (on ebay), diG1Pro/organix generator LVDC or HVDC?
These are the ones i'm looking at mostly. But i would like to know which is truly better technology , which is better... and answers to my questions. Everyone seems to have a different answer with each question!
How come theres hardly any info online about generators??! Theres hardly any forums/discussion in regards to silver making? One of the few forums i've seen is the silvertron forum. But if I look for info there, it is of course biased to the silvertron, and to making colloidal instead of ionic.