Reaction after glutamine
Yo guys i know there is lots of staf abaout l glutamine i wana try it but not sure it is good idea.
i wake up very good mood and heatlh. take my water+lemon+olive oil like always , and i take 2-3g glutamin. and BAM i got i think flare up its not alergic reaction cuz i know litle bit already how my body react to yeast flare up ( same reaction like on bread , or milk products or sugars)
-Sinus drain
-toung burning
-face tingiling
-Cravings for sugar
-nerutoxins i felth like my mind is going crazy
-gurgling in stomah
-and that terreble yeast odor from mounth
-also headache
-ear ache
-skin bunring
-nail pain
-under nail pain
-joint pain
damn it is so mutch symptoms at once i dont think die off can be look like this
i think that glutamin is feeding thoses bastards like magnesium or b6 or even ACV is making situation worst after taking thoses sumplement i got same thing even worst lots of people clame that
ACV ,b6 , magnesium are must have for candida thats ok but maybe not for evrybody ?
when i dont take thoses sumplements i fell mutch better , if done such experimets already last year with +fermented foods when my candida was activ and have same thing , i was depresed ,lots of anger , crying , lack of energy , cravings , i just simple stop it and all goes away i dont think its could be die off if u stop taking sumplements and all disapre that the logic is only one FLARE UP
i think lots of people dont know actuly what is die off i for my die off is typical flue like symptoms its situation that u actuly cant get out of bad and those all symptoms i write in my opinion are typical candida flare up symptoms same as u give her products that make candida very bad like gluten milk sugars etc
but the bloating man is like 8 month of pragent :)
it do not hapen when i dont take glutamin
it could be flare up ? or die off but i dont thing so its die off