Re: Symptom return
Sure could be, doesn't sound unusual. Not enough context in this thread though. As I already said, it takes many years. Those who don't have any symptoms after
Amalgam removal and just a little bit of chelation for a year or two either still have hidden depots that remain untouched, or didn't have much to begin with. The amount still deposited especially in the jaw area is highly dependent on ones own specific circumstances! No two fillings are the same to begin with, no telling how much or how little leaked out into the jaw (vs. what leaked out into the mouth and was swallowed). Continue chelation (Cutler method, but an occasional DMPS injection can do wonders too) and continue watching your body - but in half-year increments. No use looking at symptoms week by week! Even better, year by year. You should see improvement from year to year (but only if you continued your program all the time).
Also, the body needs rest. I hope you have enough money and time. The chelators are only for support, the body has to do most of the work.
I also found that Chlorella actually _does_ work - but I would never take it from Asia (there may be more bad stuff, like heavy metals, in Asian Chlorella than I can get out). I buy Chlorella from a German company that grows them indoors in kilometers of glass tubes and provides detailed chemical analysis for each of their production cycles. It's quite a bit more expensive of course. NOTE: It is for support, it certainly does _not_ replace chelators!!
You can ask again and again, but fact is _you_ yourself have to figure out what's appropriate in your situation. If you suspect it's the mercury again, try chelators and see if that helps - but remember that you have to apply some longer term thinking, don't expect hourly changes (or even days, weeks) to tell you for sure. With mercury effects on the body may be delayed by weeks from when the exposure actually occurred!