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Safe foods rich in natural vitamin A
White Shark Views: 1,698
Published: 8 y
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Safe foods rich in natural vitamin A

Safe foods rich in vitamin A are cow liver, pig liver, sheep liver, chicken liver.

Livers of those animals are extremely rich source of vitamin A retinol and if you would consume too much of those livers over a short period of time, you may even get hypervitaminosis A.

Common symptoms of hypervitaminosis A are:
- drowsiness ,
- sluggishness ,
- irritability ,
- severe headache ,
- bone pain ,
- blurred vision
- vomiting

The most horrific symptom is skin peeling and peeling of the lips.
Milder cases involve flaking around the mouth, extreme reported cases involve full-body skin loss.

This happens when people consume polar bear liver or seal liver as if it was cow liver.

Also, some people on Accutane (Isotretinoin) get those extreme symptoms, including peeling lips.

Isotretinoin is very similar to vitamin A, just more toxic to the liver and intestinal flora, on the long run.

Polar Bear and seal liver story:

It is far safer to get vitamin A from food made from animal liver, than to take any vit a pills.

People have consumed animal livers (pig, cow, sheep, chicken, pigeon, duck, turkey, rabbit, antelope, etc) for millions of years, and it would take huge amounts over a few days to get poisoned or to get liver damage.

Just try to get some good liver, preferably from grass fed animals like cows or sheeps, and see if it helps you.

It is more natural way, and far more safe.

But, do not play with a polar bear liver :-)

Carrots contain a lot of beta-carotene and beta-carotene can be used by our body to create vitamin A.

But, you can not get poisoned by consuming carrots.

People have lived for weeks and for months on fresh carrot juice, and the worse symptom is good health and yellow skin on palms and feet.

Vitamin A is oil soluble.

If you pop a pill on a low fat diet, your body may not absorb any of the vitamin A from that pill.

Absorption of the vitamin A depends on having good quality fat in your diet.



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