Hi, sorry to hear about your injury, the biggest problem with soft tissue damage is our tendency to keep using it (the first part of RICE is rest after all) limiting its ability to heal. It is normal for ligament and tendon damage to take months to heal because of this. If you want to heal faster; reduce excessive inflammation in the beginning when the injury is fresh, do not work it in a way that causes more than slight discomfort, massage the area to promote lymph circulation, and do PT (even at home) which will help improve blood-flow to the area. Additionally you can buy a blood flow stimulation device to help, (ill throw a link to one i know of at the bottom). If you do those things you can maximize your healing:damage ratio and minimize your recovery time. However it is also possible to keep re-injuring your knee and never fully heal, as a firefighter, make sure you are not pushing yourself to go too far.