I've always been quick in bed. I've done my kegels, practised slow self-gratification and all the other techniques suggested with zero effect really. So out of desperation I procured some Dapoxetine and it's been a very interesting experience for me. I've been experimenting with doses between 30mg - 60mg and find the latter more effective. It works best on an empty stomach - which can present a few issues if one considers that most married couples probably have sex in the evening. So timing one's dosage of dapoxetine in relation to dinner and then aiming for sex within the 1-3 hour window it allows for can be a little tricky. It took a couple of doses for me to dial in the timing and for me, 60mg taken around 2 hours before sex seems optimal. I last longer on it without a doubt - note that it does not anaesthetise one's penis or deaden sensation, but it just gives you 'breathing space' - for a life long rapid ejaculator to be able to experience penetration for longer periods without constantly trying to hold back is pretty amazing.
You may or may not already know how to get it online fast and easy. If
you dont, the easiest thing to do is just search in Google for the keyword "GETDAP4PE". Hope this helps!