Re: Someone please help identify..IMG_20170918_091512
Black Walnut Side Effects: Not for long term or chronic use, the juglone in
Black-Walnut has carcinogenic effects. Can be toxic if not used with proper care and respect. Remember anything that can kill a
Tapeworm has the potential of being harmful to the host.
Too much
Black-Walnut will shut down your kidneys. Vomiting and nausea are symptoms of liver complications.
Like any herb for medicinal use. 6 days on rest on sabbath.
2 weeks on 1 week off. 30 days on, 2 weeks off. Some meds do 3days on, 1-2 days off. Determines how sick you become
When dealing with toxic herbs the longer the break between uses. After 30 days I say that a two week break needs to happen now.
NOW vitamin makes Castor oil pills. I would rotate between naturals.
But when on a break you need a total break off herbs and medications.
Sometimes the movement and biting can freak you out. Stay calm. Your liver and kidneys will thank you. 7 days is a minimal kidney break. A must do.
Choose one day out of the week when you will dose and take a liver/kidney break. Sabbath is a good day. Sunday night is easy for me to check calendar dates.
Right notes on the calendar to keep track of what you are doing.
Make notes on days you have chills, chest or lung cramps, nausea, headaches. Phlegm changes to mucus or to stringy rubber band.
When coughing up phlegm check for small brown specs and white food particals that come out of your mouth when you haven't eaten anything white. Write it down on a calendar.
All of these symptoms and signs will help you to classify where the infection is and when. Which in turn will help you so you can treat.
So make a calendar.
Soon you will know when they breed, when eggs hatch and when they are on the move.