A new moon and worms
With much of the amish, they only know what we showed them 20 years ago and they will not read about anything --that said, with many of them, they only use P/W and have no clue about any other formula or adult formulas we make, etc…..because we basically have not done seminars in any amish homes for a very long time now…..
That said, a variety of amish type stores resell a few products and those amish stores in certain locations began to notice that the amish women will come around once a month near the new moon and strip the shelves clean of the P/W de-wormer formula…so they often buy 2 cases a month and watch it all be purchased a few days before each new moon.
The moon cycle effects earth 24/7 and all that lives on it---SURE, worms are effected as well, but odds are, your worms are having sex 24/7/365 days a year none stop till they die and are replaced by their 20,000+ babies regardless of the new moon.
YOU WANT your BLOOD in control of your health and my theory is a little every day and not just on the new moon-------and you do not even want to know what a few people still do to this day on the new moon--because sex and wildness has been blamed on the moon cycles for many species on earth and humans do not need much excuse as worms do not…
BUT, ever how people feel the need and their expectations good herbs will never do harm and do all good, because they are just foods supplying organic minerals that the blood makes use of……having a little moon light ritual is fine, if that is what floats your boat.
OR WHO KNOWS all the whys and where……many such things are kept secret. There are still many in the old german societies that believe in witch craft, demons, spitting in their medicines with the belief it will be stronger (never buy amish made products unless you know the people personally--da). Mostly harmless or just scary stuff to control the kids---but being the kings of successful mating, everything goes on a moonlit night.
IN OLD TIMES, country people lived by the moon cycles……if you fish allot, you soon discover fish follow moon cycles 24/7 hour by hour, as do many wild animals.