Your going to freak out because I am about to recommend another vaginal suppository.... yet. I suffer from vulvodinia as well and when in pain - soda in warm water and inserting the finger you clean up - soda changes the ph so the culprit does not duplicate - when the pain is over garlic is going to help kill the remaining critters. I put 2 to 3 slices in on a daily basis until vulvodynia disappears.
How to rebalance it all has got to do with the whole body (cleaning your cleansing organs- liver - bowels - kidneys). At times, I use the garlic trick to help with bowel issues - bowel and vagina are so close they contaminate one another.
Never heard of yeast as a solution - I try to stay away from them altogether cause I react when I eat them (by the way we keep saying candida - but we should say yeast to be more truthful).