(The Best Years in Life) Toss the microwave ovens - the sooner the better! I would imagine that most of us have seen warnings about using microwave ovens for some time. The first ones I recall were way back in the radical seventies, when I learned that our standards for allowable microwaves were 100's of times less stringent than the world leading authorities in microwaves - the Soviet Union (the same folks that constantly bombarded our embassy in Moscow with microwaves). I also read reports that the incidence of cataracts among microwave users was alarmingly high - especially those that stood close to the microwave while it was in operation. And what made the cataracts really stand out was that they were "anterior cataracts" which formed further within the eye than normal cataracts which formed near the lens surface. Hard to miss the connection with microwave ovens, which cook food from the inside out. Read More.