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herbal tea enemas
ce Views: 1,394
Published: 8 y

herbal tea enemas

I am looking for herbal tea enemas to help heal/detox (in addition to the coffee enemas) the body and for pain relief. I am not a herbal tea drinker or herbalist.

My favorite tea enema is black tea and green tea mixture. Both are loaded with antioxidants and therapeutic compounds that are naturally found in the teas and/or when they are fermented.

When taking an enema using my enema bag I hang it on an I.V. pole 20 to 24 inches from my anus to the bottom of the enema bag.

I start off with a cleansing enema (2 to 4 quarts of filtered water and 1 teaspoon of Sea Salt per quart of water).

Then I take the the organic coffee enema (2 rounded tablespoons of coffee and 16 ounces of filtered water. I brew it in a french press coffee maker so that no therapeutic compounds are lost). Let it cool down to 98 to 100 degrees. Strain the coffee into the enema bag. I retain it for upto 30 minutes.

NOW COMES THE TEA ENEMA...I use 8 ounces of filtered water and 1 tea bag of organic black tea and 1 tea bag of organic green tea. Steep it until it cools down to 98 to 100 degrees. I use an 8 ounce bulb syringe to instill the enema. I retain it for 30 minutes or let it fully absorb into the body.

I use this tea enema daily and after every cleansing/coffee enema.


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