7 y
Is it safe to use the silver as eye drops?
My eyes irritate easily, and sometimes I have a little bit of white dischage under my lower lids, especially in the left eye. The corners, especially the tear ducts, are often itchy.
I get a lot of relief when I put a drop of
Colloidal Silver in each eye. I just started doing that last week, with a kind that I bought at the health food store. I can tell you the name of the brand, but I don't know if we're allowed to name products, so for now I won't.
Anyways, I was wondering if this was safe to do? It feels really good, but I don't want to cause any side effects, so I usually don't use it more than 3 times a day (morning, evening, and once in between if it gets itchy).
Should I use it less? Or is it ok to use it even more?