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Mega vitamin C helping Addison's greatly.
  Views: 1,178
Published: 8 y

Mega vitamin C helping Addison's greatly.

I have Addison's and take 40 mg. of hydrocort daily. It helps but not nearly enough. I have supplemented it with adrenal support items as from Vitacost and they give me an additional boost, but still not enough to keep me from getting fatigued several times a day.

I did not want to ask for more than 40 mg. of hydrocort because higher levels cause side effects.

I took some mega C when I was fighting off an infection and noticed my energy levels went way up. This makes sense. The adrenals gobble up C and stress eats it up.

There is a way to know if you have enough, or too much, C. If you take too much for your own particular system, you will get a mild and harmless case of diarrhea.

I have found that I can take 2 1,000 mg.capsules of C 4 time a day without getting that diarrhea.

It makes all the difference in what I can accomplish during the day, too.

And btw very strong Peppermint tea has also been very helpful. Of course don't take it too closer to bed time.

It is also highly important to stay alkaline. Keep those urine testing PH strips close by at all times! I notice that when I get under 7.5 PH that my energy levels go down, if not right away then before too long.


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