Re: Diabetes
Quality post, pure quality.
Also, a lot more open than the standard raw fruit-veg only diet. I can forsee some needs for plenty of carb-counting and long-acting insulin. A pure veg/fruit only diet gives very nice bloodsugars, but gives lowered brainfunction within a week. I find the fats vital.
Do Vitamin C and other antioxidant treatments like essential oils, fulvic/humic acid, etc, belong in the 'Must not eat - Medicines' category? Considering the main theory of Koch's treatment is the lack of oxidation.
In the category of oxidant therapies, h202 is quite nice as a diabetic, it gives a nice up in energy without too much change in bloodsugar (Only used briefly since my country sells the stuff only in 3% dilution).
MMS actually causes a slight rise in bloodsugar and some brainfog, I suspect the salt byproducts of the breakdown of the materials creates a slight imbalance in electrolytes. Drinking saltwater/sole does the same, when not adding potassium.
Glyoxin looks decently cheap from poland. Researching the older materials.