8 y
Help! How do I know if liver flush is safe for me?
Hi White Shark, Thank you for answering my previous question "My
Liver Flush had short term results" but as there are some dangers associated with doing liver flush,that is stones getting stuck at the bile ducts and all ,how to know that it's safe for me to do
Liver Flushes without any danger.
As I already told you I have done my first
Liver Flush and it went well, and as i mentioned i have
food intolerances ,after my first liver flush, I was getting an mild and itchy jawline
Acne sometimes without eating any bad and I suspect it's due to my 1st
Liver Flush but I also suspect that it might be due to my braces, as I have read somewhere that when jawline expands due to braces, the skin tightens and sometimes breakouts occur and maybe similar,so what do you think it is? I'm in doubt whether
Liver Flushes are good for me or not.
And I also have this itchy sunrashes problem from the past year that whenever I go out to sun even it's no heavy sun, at that particular time from morning 8 30am to evening 5pm l..I get these sunrashes no matter what..
I'm 19 years old and female. Should I have to need to check gm for my
Gallstones if any by going to doctor? I really want to cure my
Acne no matter what and so the ultimate solution I came across is
Liver Flushing buthe scared of it to continue...please help!
Thanks in Advance.