If the earth is flat, why is the horizon curved?
Flat earth = curved horizon ?
If the earth is flat, why is the horizon curved?
And why do we have time zones.
And why is there a difference in day length during the winter and summer.
And why are all the other heavenly objects round, and not flat ?
I am right now 11 277 m (36 998 feet) over the sea level, flying by a commercial airplane. And, horizon I see through the window is clearly curved, is not flat. Not very much cured, but more than enough to be able to see curvature with a naked eye,
Why do people actually believe or pretend to believe that earth is flat ?
I find 3 possible answers to this question:
1. they have never flown by an airplane during a daylight, 36 998 feet over the sea level, and have never seen it by their own eyes..
2. they are blind and can't see the curve
3. they just love to spread bullshit on the internet, like trolls who enjoy to create drama.
4. they just want to spread bullshit stories on purpose to make those who believe in real conspiracy theories appear stupid and ignorant, so nobody would believe them when they say something that is a real truth, but hard to believe, if you are brainwashed.
What group do you belong to ?