Re: How the medicinal herbs heal
Rocks are the best evidence there is------if i walk out into a field--especially at the bottom of a valley or near a river bottom---it is easy to find massive amounts of rocks that humans used……..90% of those rocks will be right handed rocks and a few will be lifted handed rocks.
Most rocks will be chipping and grinding rocks. You can also find large flat rocks they used as the base. If you dig into dirt at the bottom of valleys, you can often find various arrow heads and what americans call Indian Relics. the prettiest I ever found was a 100% orange Spear Head that you could about see through the edges and like a dummy I gave it to a girl friends dad that collected indian stuff.
it is not uncommon to find rock hammers.
Even in central ohio, they have found plenty of dinosaur bones.
BUT those small hand held rocks are out their by the endless millions---proof humans use to live outside and use rocks as their tools to eat.
LONG BEFORE THE HUMANS OF NORTH AMERICA it was all at the bottom of the oceans……..and after all the land rose------long after again---GLACIERS scraped the lands down to the limestone bedrock which was the bottom of the oceans….proving the glaciers came thousands of years after the land rose out of the oceans and trees/dirt, etc. developed and layered on top of the lime stone.
Under my house the limestone is 200 feet down. In that limestone will be ocean life fossils. 10 miles away the limestone is at the surface and you can easily find sea shells in the lime.
In the layers below are boulders and all well drillers are trained to understand those are ASTROIDS. Volcanoes do not throw up rocks---they throw up what ends up being clay layers---so you find green and red clays as you dig…
These astroid boulders can be a few feet down or hundreds of feet down and will be in layers…..
WE HUMANS DIE when trillions of endless trillions of rocks hit the earth and NASA KNOWS THIS VERY WELL and why they try to leave this planet and build cities below.
JESUS returns like a thief in the night-----ROCKS from ABOVE is what the bible says JESUS IS……… was the pope that took the stories of PAUL and stole them and create the jesus stories according to HOTEMA and if you read the bible well, you can easily see that PAUL/JESUS are the same stories repeated.
Our earth circles the sun at a rapid rate and our sun circles another sun at a rapid rate---in fact, we humans are traveling so fast out entire life--it is like magic how we can exist and not fly apart.
The earth/universes are so masterfully made--that to deny GOD's Hand in the creation is idiotic and most all colleges today are beyond idiotic. The end times always ends with evil humans denying GOD.
Spend some time playing in old abandoned gravel pits and you can learn allot and if you ever take the time to listen to an old timer well driller---then you start to understand what is below you and that is truth and history.
The earth is very old--much older than the bible colleges estimate of 6,000 years.
American arrow heads can be dated back as far as 12,000 years ago and long before that the glaciers, long before that the dirt/trees/life and long long ago--North America was at the bottom of the oceans.
HOTEMA states the location outside Mexico City where a mountain split open and reviled cities in various layers of that mountain---I have zero reason to doubt Hotema and he also tells you where in Europe human remains are in museums over 40 feet tall…….the roman empire popes had to hide it all so they could create the first book and instal fear/gov over all humans on earth……the pope at the time of printing the first bible also noted that now people will know the church is liars, because we put it on paper and can no longer change the history to fit our needs.
The same roman empire has controlled all world history, especially everything about the pyramids.
The Free Masons (HOTEMA) are the ones that has been exposing the history for hundreds of years.
ALL OF WHICH is meaningless when you consider that by 1992 the same people want YOU dead by age 40……….so the golden rule is to live day by day and not wast your time with the past.
World War has lasted a full 100 years now---protect your selves at all times is the only true rule to follow. TODAY your death means nothing to them or your neighbors-----life is so cheap they can kill you before you were born and it means zero to them----which is 100% proof we have been in the times of Noah for at least 50+ years.
it will only get worse every day till the lands sink into the ocean once again and be cleansed and made pure……..
IT IS A FACT all plants/trees/mammals/life only thrives from the rich minerals of the ocean…..when land rises and the rains dilute these minerals----the trees and life begin become smaller and smaller as they live less and less…….when the soil is washed clean---we have deserts.
Ocean minerals are the key to all life.