Re: Bee venom - Edema
Yellow Jackets = 44/8 in Chaldean/Pythagorean Numerology.
They put you in the Ouroboros.
Bees are Yellow man. The ring of the Fear.
Wearing Purple wouldn't of got stung.
Bee would of humped ya some gay love. I call it Fashion Crime (Chromothearpy) like Word Crime, Thought Crimes that people do. Purple is a real man's Color.
Wore Violet low wavelength, high frequency you would of repealed it with love.
Yellow Jackets they are quick. Can't see the f***ers.
They stab more then once then Bees do.
Bees stab once and they die.
Yellow Jackets just keeps on giving the gift..
They regenerate quick Yellow Jackets.
They hang around water. Areas with water like ponds and creeks.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!
I saw one guy one time man he ended up in the Hospital. Saw him run like Gozilla was behind him and like Building Seven Collapse when he fell.
Thought Hollow Man Character came to Life, that movie.. was doing something to guy from a distance. Didn't know if i should help or run myself actually.
Ever been to the Beach when the Shark Alarm goes off?
Iv seen Married Men push off their Wifes and Kids to keep alive in the water.
Hilarious shit.