Re: NT testimonials? Fell better?
Hi, I have been trying to follow the principles of the N.T. diet for about approximately 14 years now, eating a lot of meat, sometimes sprouted grains, a lot of dairy, and healthy drinks. I have especially used a lot of the recommended supplements from the book. I am on a limited budget, so I rarely eat organic meat or raw dairy. Anyway, my biggest breakthrough has come just in the last month using Azomite Mineral Powder. My skin had damage from smoking, and it has cleared up completely in a manner of days and then more after that just from taking this supplement. I also reached a point around the time from when I started taking the Azomite Mineral Powder at which a lot of the alternative medicine, including this diet and its supplements, began to pay off, as I reached a sort of threshold with my healing where it all began to heal and pay off. Hopefully, there will be many more of these. So, overall, I would say that the diet and supplements are really A+ as a lot of my digestive issues cleared up with the Azomite Mineral Powder as well. I also recommend Megahydrate, as it is much easier than drinking water. Of course, the Nourishing Traditions diet provides for many alternatives to water. I have consumed a lot of Kombucha lately, and my health food store just began to carry a product that is like Haymaker's Oat Water (I think it's called) called Switchel. My local health food store also carries fermented vegetables, which I took a while consistently for heartburn.
I've taken a lot of glandulars over the years, in addition to high-vitamin butter oil and cod liver oil. Overally, I feel really good. My biggest health challenges are taking an antipsychotic and the effects that that brings. I also have endometriosis. Still, I have tons of stamina and energy and derive a great amount of pleasure from life. I also recommend binaural beats videos from YouTube for difficult-to-heal health challenges.