WS the weird thing is that I never had these problems before. I am 27. I no longer wear braces (I wore the for 8 months), I no longer play trumpet (it's been about 5 years since I've played and I played for 20 years). What I'm concerned about is the plastic for the retainer, but if I don't use it my teeth shift after 2 days. I've tried different cleaning solutions, etc. but I believe the irritation with alcohol and acid is because my skin is already irritated. It's like putting alcohol or lemon juice on an open cut and it stings. Trying to figure out solutions...I might try doing a liver cleanse. I have been on a LOT of diflucan because of candida in my life and I know it's awful for your liver. Thoughts?
I have been getting allergy shots since I was 17. I also got a lip biopsy a couple months back- no pemphigus. I also got a food allergy test done - I'm only severely sensitive to oysters, which I rarely eat.