Re: Food, toothpaste, cosmetics test question
If you are not nutritionally deficient before you start a water fast, and if you chose to fast just a short time, not longer than 14 or 21 days, and if you drink only when thirsty, (in other words, you do not try to drink too much water as that could result in a severe loss of electrolytes ) you will not become nutritionally deficient during the fast, except for being deficient in carbs, proteins and fet, and all those 3 things most people have stored inside their body, often many kg, and most people can safely fast on water for days, but not without no prior knowledge on how to do it.
There are plenty of books and forums teaching water fasting, so you are suppose to research it well before trying it for longer than just 1-3 days.
Even fasting for just 3 days could be a nightmare of pain if you don't know what you are doing and you start it straight with no preparation .