What do YOU know about.... 💀Dry fasting?!
Have you died from it? Any info appreciated!
I am entering day 4 of an anticipated 10 day DRY fast, going towards HARD dry, except washing with bidet, hands, and for prayer... No showering (eww) and no teeth brushing /swimming - so still a bit towards SOFT dry, but no showers or soaking or any of that jazz. So medium firm maybe.
I'm not here to bother anyone for a 'fasting buddy' or ask for support lol. God willing I should be ok in that department. But more the merrier.
What I am interested in is anyone's experiences in dry fasting.
-I've herd it's 3times more potent than a water fast, so 10 days equals a thirty days water fast
-I've heard the ketosis is like 2-3 times faster,
-I've heard that the cells combust toxins how lovely?
- I've head one gets warm rather than cold ( I'm finding myself still nippy)
- I've heard that one dies after 3-5 days. Lol, I've heard plenty live, but I'll reply on here if Im dying lol.
Apparently it's a thing in Russia, and that scientist are all over it. Except all their journals/studies as in Russian.
Does anyone have any resources?
I'm interested in comparing it to a long water fast. I've done about eight 3-4 day dry fasts, and a few prolonged water fasts. So far the dry is easier. Looking forward to going ten days. So next Saturday at 3pm aest, I will start water for two days, then hit some fatty broth. I'm so done with carbs, inc fruit. Whatevs...grains too. I had a few run ins...
So any info/links/ dry fasting experiences would be lovely and delightful.
Many thanks