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RowanMorrison Views: 3,717
Published: 20 y


worth a repost

"As Schulze teaches, 'The viscosity of almost everyone's blood is too thick. Instead of being like water, it's like molasses. Your heart pumps much harder to force that sludgy blood through your arteries.'"

"Overworked hearts collapse (a heart attack), and overstressed arteries tend to blow out in the brain (a stroke), so the sooner you start using the cayenne formulas in this book, the safer your heart will be."

"If your take no other herb, if you make no other change in your life, take cayenne. Learn how from Dr. Schulze , the King of Cayenne."

"Big blood flow is everything - because healthy blood cures."

"As Dr. Schulze told me, 'When there is blockage, there is starvation, then stagnation, and finally disease. By learning how to use the most powerful herb in the world, you can cure diseases even the best natural healers have never cured.'"

"'If you master only one herb in your life, master cayenne pepper. It is more powerful than any other.' -Dr. Richard Schulze , Medical Herbalist."

"If you want to become a powerful healer for yourself and your family, master one herb...cayenne pepper. Knowing cayenne deeply will give you and your family more cures than dabbling in twenty herbs."

"Students always ask Dr. Schulze , 'What are the ten most important herbs to have in the home?' He tells them, 'At the top of the list is cayenne pepper, because it will make the other nine work better.'"

"If you take cayenne pepper in capsules, you may be wasting your time and never getting the cures I got with my patients."

"BISER: How can you say cayenne capsules are bad? I've heard from readers who took cayenne in capsules and got great results!"

"SCHULZE: Well, fine. But I had thousands of patients who did the same and who did not get well - until they took my cayenne orally. I had many patients come in, and I loved to test them."

"BISER: What does 'test' mean?"

"SCHULZE: I used to do 'herbal experiments' with their approval. I had hundreds of patients who would say, 'Oh, I've been using cayenne pepper for years. I take this; I take that. I've been using it every day for 14 years.'"

"So I would sit them down and would either give them some cayenne tincture or some cayenne powder directly in the mouth."

"They would tell me that it was like they had never used cayenne pepper before. They would say, 'I heard my ears pop; I felt a rush of blood to my head. I can feel tingling in my feet and toes.' They would give me responses that they never had from taking cayenne pepper for 10, 12, 14, 15 years."

"One thing really became evident to me in the clinic: There is only one way to take cayenne, and that is right in the mouth."

"... What was going on is that much of cayenne's healing action occurs right in your mouth. As cayenne touches your tongue, the cayenne absorbs in seconds and nerve endings send signals throughout the body - sending waves of fresh blood to wherever you are sick. New healing begins in seconds. These surges of fresh blood do not occur when you bypass the mouth by taking capsules."

"... For people not used to it, they just need to work their way up. One problem people have is that they blow their mind or their mouth - right off the bat. For some who have never used cayenne pepper, a good initial dosage is 1/16th of a teaspoonful in some juice."

"Most of my patients were sensitive at first. Those same people, in three or four months, would be taking two dropperfuls of my most potent tonic. Some people end up taking six or more dropperfuls a day of cayenne tincture. You build up an ability to use it, just like with anything else. It's not like you need to start off with a whole teaspoon in the mouth - and then hold on to the arms of you chair."

"BISER: If all this is so, then why do herb companies promote cayenne in capsules?"

"SCHULZE: They want to sell more. It's for their benefit - not yours. The companies say, 'How do we get a broader market? Let's make our herbal customers real comfortable.' But then the capsules don't work and the patient has to go and get their leg sawed off."

"If you want to take herbs, and not notice anything going on with your body, and not be made uncomfortable in any way, and not have any cleansing occur - then take drugs."

"It's a shame, because a hundred years ago, cayenne was considered to be one of the most powerful herbs on the planet. Nowadays, it has become more of a fad, and people are not getting the healing response that they are due by taking this herb."

"BISER: But all herbalism today is based on herbal capsules!"

"SCHULZE: This wasn't the way the old-time herbalists practiced. It wasn't the way my teacher, the late Dr. John Christopher, practiced. He got his results with teas and tinctures."

"When you put cayenne in your mouth, your stomach secretes digestive juices before the cayenne ever gets there. So when the cayenne gets down there, your stomach is all ready for it."

"But if you swallow a capsule, your tongue tastes nothing; a capsule goes down in your stomach, and your stomach notices nothing - at first. Then, five minutes later the gelatin bursts, and you have a 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper in your stomach and your body goes into shock. You surprised it. 'Where did this come from?'"

"BISER: So using a lower potency cayenne in capsules in not an answer for people who want to go the mild route?"

"SCHULZE: Why bother? The cayenne in capsules is low quality, in spite of fancy labels and 'high potency' claims. Most cayenne sold comes from third-world countries and is highly sprayed with pesticides. It doesn't work. Patients who used it stayed sick - until I blew their health problems open with the 'right stuff.'"

"The lower-heat cayennes are a lot less efficient, and they are the ones that are most highly contaminated. These are the ones you see labeled for 40,000 heat units. They are the ones imported from God knows where: Egypt, China, and so on. These are the ones to stay away from."

"The companies pay around $2 per pound for this kind of cayenne. Compare that to the up-to-$48 per pound I have paid for the great, organically-grown stuff."

"... There is more to cayenne than just heat. There are flavonoids in cayenne that will heal heart cells and protect your heart. There are vitamins in cayenne pepper that will destroy bacteria and increase your immune system. The lower quality the cayenne, the less healing occurs."

"A lot of the cayenne I've seen has a smoky smell and a dark color to it. It's been heated very high during the powdering process, so a lot of the other nutrients that were in there, enzymes and so on, are gone."

"BISER: I think you pushed cayenne more than anybody else."

"SCHULZE: Yes, and here is the reason: There is no other herb stronger or more effective than cayenne to make immediate physiological and metabolic changes in the body."

"Cayenne moves blood. Without blood flow to sick areas, how can any herb work?"

"The whole idea of using any herb is to digest the chemicals in that herb - and then get those chemicals into our bloodstream. That's what digesting is - but if we don't get that blood to the arthritic joint, or to the cancer tumor, or to the brain malignancy, or to the liver - then forget that herb."

"You can take all the milk thistle you want, but if you have bad circulation to your liver, it's not going to do you any good. You can take all the ginkgo you want, but if you have bad circulation to your brain, the ginkgo is not going to be able to get up there either."

"Cayenne turns your circulation on immediately within seconds, more than any other herb, so really it should be in every herbal formula."

"You know, a lot of people look at my brain tonic, and they go, 'Well, it's hot.' That's because, if you want ginkgo in your brain, well sit back for three hours and wait. Or, I can get ginkgo into your brain in one second - and that's why I added cayenne to the formula."

"There is only one herb I know where I can visibly, immediately see more blood going to the head - and that is cayenne."

"So I thought, 'What about cayenne and ginkgo, that sounds like a dynamic duo.' I put cayenne with ginkgo, and I added some kola nut and some fresh rosemary to it. Rosemary is known for taking more blood to the head, and it also grows right outside my door."

"Once I added the cayenne, I had the opportunity to use the formula with a lot of people who had brain injuries or strokes. That is when it really stood out. It worked better than just the cayenne or the ginkgo by themselves. Nobody does this, and what could be a better dynamic duo than putting those two together?"

"Of course, it is a well known scientific fact today, and this is something that has only come out in the last couple years, that there is a small area in the center of the brain. When it atrophies, when it dries up and shrinks and has lack of blood and oxygen to it, you become more depressed. Keeping the circulation going to that area inhibits depression. And increasing circulation is what cayenne is doing."

"So ginkgo is a great herb for getting more blood and oxygen up there, but cayenne is the herb that takes it up there."

"When you have a sick area, the blood flow is blocked off. Blood is what takes nutrition and the healing properties of herbs to those cells. It's also what carries out and removes the crap and waste material. Well, when you have a sick area, the first thing you know is that there is a restriction of blood flow to that area."

"Cayenne pepper is like TNT; it's like nitroglycerin; it blasts through all that blockage to get to that area that's sick, taking with it all the vitamins and minerals from the food you eat, and all the vital chemicals from the herbs you take - all the way to the sick area."

"Sure, there are a few heating herbs like ginger and horseradish, but tell me another herb that I can put in everybody's mouth and, with five hundred or a thousand people in a room, all of a sudden it makes their faces look like cherries. I don't know another herb that will do that, and cayenne does that through your whole body."

"BISER: Well, what about healers who say, 'Cayenne isn't for this type of metabolism. This person is already too hot and shouldn't have it'"

"SCHULZE: That is wrong, and I'll tell you why."

"When you are talking about herbs for various people's constitutions and metabolism, we're talking about long-term maintenance health care."

"When someone is sitting in your driveway gray-blue because they had a heart attack five minutes ago and their heart has been stopped for three minutes, I don't give a damn what their constitution is, okay? Or what their metabolism is! And I don't care if when I bring them back alive, if the cayenne upset their stomach. That's what we are talking about here."

"People will say, 'I have a hot constitution. I shouldn't use cayenne.' Yes and no. People with hot constitutions should not use cayenne every day, 365 days a year, for the rest of their life, but they still need to know how to use cayenne to fix their illnesses and diseases."

"I had to use cayenne for 10 years, until I felt that my heart was fixed; now I still use it occasionally. It isn't something I use every day. Unfortunately, most of the practitioners out there are telling people what herbs are best for their constitutions as a way of life, for the rest of their life."

"Well, they are never going to enjoy the rest of their life because they are going to be dead with their diseases - because they didn't use cayenne with their other herbs to get the herbs to that sick area."

"BISER: What about using cayenne to regulate a heartbeat, whether it's fast, slow, or irregular?"

"SCHULZE: If anybody is on any of the digitalis drugs, or any beta blockers or calcium channel blockers, they could replace it with a cayenne, hawthorn, and garlic type formulation. That is what they would use. [See formula in Chapter Five.] But you need to be under the supervision of a medical doctor before you reduce any heart medication."

"BISER: Have you seen a formula like this replace those drugs?"

"SCHULZE: Oh absolutely! And get people off those drugs. But we should have a cautionary note, because those are drugs you cannot stop taking immediately. You have to wean yourself off them over a couple of months with expert supervision. But absolutely, yes, every one of my patients got off them."

"There are all sorts of things that get in there and make our blood fatty and thick. Cholesterol is only one of them."

"It doesn't take a genius to know that if I have a hose and I pump water through it I only need so much pressure to get it through a 100-foot hose. But, if I'm pumping concrete through it, I need double, triple, quadruple the pressure. So that means your blood pressure is going to go up, because your heart has to work harder."

"Cayenne does a couple of things immediately. One is to dilate your arterial walls, which is the way you want to go. Most things that are bad for us - like cigarettes and coffee, can constrict the arterial walls and make your diseases worse, because now you have a smaller hose. Hot cayenne works so well when you are having a heart attack because it dilates the walls."

"BISER: What if people go, 'Hey, I don't drink coffee or smoke cigarettes?'"

"SCHULZE: Well, the average American cholesterol level is 200. So everybody who is reading this - your blood is too thick."

"BISER: They are pumping molasses instead of water?"

"SCHULZE: That is right. It is hard on the heart, and raises the blood pressure. If you have an artery that is narrowed, there is a much greater chance of your having a blockage there, because your thick blood won't fit through the hole the same way."

"Cayenne helps in a couple of ways. It immediately increases your circulation to your extremities, which in general will lower your blood pressure, because you are getting the blood pumped around your torso and way out there."

"Over time, it will also thin your blood and stop the platelet aggregation."

"BISER: In other words, forcing your blood pressure down with drugs really won't solve anything if the blood is still too thick. Maybe the pressure should be up!"

"SCHULZE: That's right. Your are getting a symptom for a reason. Your body is responding to what is wrong."

"BISER: But the health food people are not necessarily any better?"

"SCHULZE: No. Everybody is treating symptoms."

"You can be taking your juice; you can be dosing on Vitamin C because you believe Linus Pauling; you can be taking all the newest elixirs, whether vitamin, mineral or herbal, for cancer. But your blood can't get to the tumor, because that tumor has shut itself off and is sustaining itself in a different way."

"This is such a basic: increasing the circulation to the area that is sick. Cayenne is like the roto-rooter that does that. Everything you have been doing could have helped you, but it just could not get there."

"It is like what you see all the time in the history of warfare: you could have won the battle, except that all the ammunition was fifty miles back in the rear."

"All your ammunition you got from the healthfood store could have helped the cancer, but your expensive nutients are a foot away and can't reach the tumor. The cayenne roto-roots the circulation, and the circulation is what carries everything - all the vitamins, all minerals, all the enzymes. All the things you spent $29.95 for are sitting there in your blood, but they just can't get to the area that is sick."


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