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Re: Possible 40 day water fast for a slimmer stature? Tips and advice would be very much appreciated...
bshol Views: 511
Published: 8 y
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Re: Possible 40 day water fast for a slimmer stature? Tips and advice would be very much appreciated...

Ahh,thank you both so much. I'm a female, so I actually don't believe I'm technically underweight for my height at the moment, but I imagine I'll get there by the end of my fast. But if I refeed gradually and healthily, the weight should return in a healthy manner, I imagine. The one concern I have is I'm currently on Prednisone, and it's crucial I stay on it at the moment for a pre-existing condition. Other than that, I think my fast will be as authentic as possible, just brushing my teeth with water, no supplements or low-quality bottled water; so I'm hoping for great results.
Thank you both!


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