Selenium Sulfide shampoo for dandruff, dermatitis, folliculitis
I want to tell the world how I manage my symptoms: Selenium Sulfide shampoo. I used to have what I think was
Seborrheic Dermatitis , AKA dandruff and red itchy skin patches, all over my scalp and face. I also had scalp staph, colonized by my nasal nares, or so a dermatologist thought in a 15 min exam. The dermatologist told me to take BLEACH BATHS! Literally to bathe in a low concentration of bleach. I tried it a few times, but I kept coming out looking sunburned.
Tea tree oil and ketoconazole didn't work for me. Tsal/Tgel (tar coal) worked, but was very harsh on my skin. Pyrethone zinc worked OK.
But Selenium Sulfide shampoo worked wonders. It is completely gentle on my skin and it keeps the dandruff away completely, even after 1-2 years. The staph infection still exists but it has significantly decreased. I use the shampoo on my face and scalp every 1 or 2 days. Just wanted to tell you all about this chemical. It is in most stores and available online but for some reason it's not as popular as the pyrethone zinc stuff.