So tomorrow is day 5, yay! bbuuuttttttt today the lemonade starting to hurt the back of my throat and the back of my tongue. This could be the cleansing happening or just a sore tongue and throat but it all means the same thing....drinking the lemonade today was torture and I couldn't drink the whole amount. Instead I drank mint tea w/maple and then my laxative tea w/maple later on tonight(cause I didn't get enough maple today) I needed a break from the acid but what if I have a hard time drinking tomorrow??? Can I do another day of water 1 mint teaw/maple & 1 laxative tea w/maple to see if my throat heals?? I really don't want to break this fast. I also took cayenne caps today to suplement the fact that I couldn't drink the lemonade? I will make a weaker mix tomorrow but I need an alternative.