Screws from bone surgery and autoimmune diseases
In an interview to Hal Huggins, the pioneer in
Amalgam fillings and other dental atrocities, he said some famous toxicologist told him, answering to his question about whether any metal inserted in bone would be a problem or not:
"No matter what the metal, sooner or later there will be an autoimmune disease".
This was about dental implants, which according to this puts the person implanted on a countdown to disease and death, but it occurred to me: what about the screws that sometimes surgeons use to hold in place recovering fractured bones?
These are my questions::
- Can you request someone to perform an operation with the sole aim of removing an old screw, (once the bone reformed completely, of course?
- This kind of voluntary surgery, is it costly? (anybody from European countries with a public health system,please could tell me whether they would do this?
Any information or links to scientific articles about this are highly apreciated. Thank you all.